+39 335 402884

Loc. Brolio - Via della Patalecchia, 124
52043 Castiglion Fiorentino (AR) - Italia


Those who want to appear a little must suffer. It's not always true. Having several rosemary bushes in bloom I thought how I could use some with alternative destination from the pot ... and I found a solution so simple to achieve that I would not have bet anything.


I use it in the morning and it immediately leaves me feeling fresh and you can't imagine the immediate benefit of the skin. A natural astringent and purifying tonic. Sometimes I also use it in the evening before putting on a night cream, but I prefer the morning effect.
Tip : use it also for the neck as well as for the face...

How to prepare it?
Get yourself a bunch of rosemary and boil it for about 5 minutes with a large cup of water. Once the liquid has cooled down you can filter it and put the tonic obtained in a glass bottle where you can keep it in the fridge for a month

Rosemary Tonic https://www.brolioquinto.com/images/demo/blog/rosemary-tonic-intro.jpg Super User